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The Complaint Handling Module helps capture, track, and manage product or service issues and complaints. Below are training resources for the following roles within the module:

Table of Contents

Complaint Handling Module Administrator Training

This training is intended for users with the Complaint Handling Module Administrator role.

This session includes a live demonstration of complaint handling module configuration.

Topics Covered:

  • Complaint Handling Workflow

  • Setup of Complaint Handling Module and Configuration Options

    • Manage Parts and Customers

    • Configure Complaint Fields

    • Configure Complaints Process Impacts

    • Review/Configure Reporting Zones

    • Review/Configure Process Options

    • Configure Complaint Review Boards

    • Configure Multiple Coordinators

    • Enable/Disable the Field Action Process

Configure Complaint Handling-20230111.mp4

Complaint Handling Module Coordinator and User Training

This training is intended for users with the Complaint Handling Module Coordinator role. This role is responsible for managing the Complaint record. Additionally, tasks for general Complaint Handling users are reviewed.

This session includes a live demonstration of taking an issue and complaint record through the process.

Topics Covered:

  • Complaint Handling Workflow

  • Submit Issue (User/Assignee)

  • Review Issue (Coordinator)

  • Initiate Complaint (Coordinator)

  • Investigate (Assignee)

  • Regulatory Reporting (Assignee)

  • Implement Process Impacts (Assignee)

  • Review Regulatory Reporting (Coordinator)

  • Close Record (Coordinator)

  • Approve Closure (Assignee)

Coordinator and User Functions in Complaint Handling-20230112Complaints Coordinator 05Apr2024.mp4

Downloadable Resources

Resource Description


Issue and Complaint Process Flow Chart

View file
nameIssue Complaint Process.pptx

Complaint Configuration

(Complaint Module Administrator)

View file
nameComplaint Configuration.pptx

Complaint Handling Coordinator Activities

(Complaint Module Coordinator)

View file

Complaint Usage

(General Complaint User)

View file