Document collection content must be maintained. When new documents are created, someone has to be responsible for manually adding them to the applicable collection(s). Likewise, documents that are no longer applicable to a project/product need to be removed from collections manually.
Create and Populate Document Collections
To find all documents for a specific project or product line, select the associated document collection(s) from the dropdown list.
Option 2: Configurable “Project” or ”Product Line” Field
The A configurable “Project” or “Product Line” field on documents can be defined as a required field, so no documents can be created without them being assigned to a project or product line (even if that project value is “N/A”).
Documents cannot be assigned to multiple projects /productsor product lines.
Requires a Document Control Administrator to define a configurable “Project” or ”Product Line” field on documents and specify the list of valid projects/products.