How do I export Training Records?

Training module administrators may export the metadata and file content (evidence files) for completed Training Records to a directory on the web server.


Export Training Records


Grand Avenue version 16.0 or later


To export training assignments:

  • Click “Manage Completed Training Records” in the navigation menu

  • Click “Export Training History for Users”

  • Use search criteria to specify which users' Training History should be exported

  • Click the “Search” button

  • Click “Export Training History to Server”

  • Click the “Export Training History to Server” button and wait for the message “Training History exported to <file-name> on the web server.”

  • Access the server location via FTP to download the files that were exported

    • Note: Customers with installations hosted by Grand Avenue should contact to request instructions for accessing their private FTP site.

Example Output

Exported Training Metadata and Evidence Files
Exported Folder for an Individual User


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