Grand Avenue has multiple roles that allow users to manage training, each with a different scope of authorization. The table below describes the following roles:
Training Coordinator
Department Manager
Department Trainer
Item Trainer
Training Viewer
Training Item: a controlled document or general training item
Training Requirement: a training item assigned to a user, either directly or through a training profile
Training Profile: a group of training requirements
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Training Coordinator
Authorized to manage training for all users and training items defined in the system.
Who Assigns the Role?
Steps to Assign the Role
Training Module Coordinators
Assigned by the Training Module Administrator
Authorized to manage training for users assigned to their departments
Assigned by the System Administrator
Authorized to manage training for users in departments they are assigned to as a trainer.
Assigned by the Training Coordinator
Authorized to manage training for training items they are assigned to as a trainer.
Assigned by the Training Coordinator
Training Viewer
Authorized to view training status for all users and training items.
Training Viewers
Assigned by the Training Module Administrator
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