January Training Calendar

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Feel free to sign up for as many classes as you would like to attend. Click the link found in the start time column of each class to register today!




Start Time

End Time

#1 Configure Complaint Handling

Configuring the Complaint Handling module including process impacts, priority values, reporting zones, and Complaint Handling Review Boards.


January 2

11:00 AM

#2 Coordinator and User Functions in Complaint Handling

Features for Coordinators and Users in Complaint Handling including Submit, Approve New Request, Initiate Complaint, Investigate, Reporting, Close, Manage Issues, and Manage Complaints.


January 3

11:30 AM






#3 Configure Supplier Management

Configuring the Supplier Management module including defining supplier field valid values, supplier review boards, supplier controls and schedules, and adding and importing suppliers.


January 7

11:00 AM

#4 Coordinator Functions in Supplier Management

Overview of the Supplier Evaluation (SE) workflow. Coordinator functions in Supplier Management including preliminary coordinator review, implement recommendations, and manage supplier evaluations.


January 8

11:30 AM

#5 SCAR Features

Overview of the Supplier Corrective Action Request (SCAR) workflow. This includes submitting a new SCAR form and other actions taken by general users and Supplier Management Coordinators to complete the process steps.


January 9

11:00 AM






#6 Configure NCM

Configuring the NCM module including process impacts, NCM Review Boards, disposition codes, coding fields, parts and suppliers.


January 15

11:00 AM

#7 Coordinator and User Functions in NCM

Features for Coordinators and Users in NCM including Submit, Propose Disposition, Approve, Implement Disposition, Close, and Manage NCM Requests.


January 16

11:00 AM






#8 Design Control Administrator and Coordinator

Administrator and Coordinator functions in Design Control including defining checklists and Design Control Review Boards, and initiating, cancelling and reopening Design Control projects.


January 23

11:00 AM

#9 Project Manager in Design Control

Features for Project Managers in Design Control including working on deliverables, assigning deliverables, documenting review and meetings, and initiative phase review and signoff.


January 24

11:00 AM






#10 Risk Management Features

Training for Administrators, Coordinators, and Risk File Managers in the Risk Management module. This includes setup steps such as configuring Risk Matrices, Risk Analysis types, and coding fields. Actions of the Risk File Manager include setting values for Risk File fields, describing harms, linking to and uploading Risk File documentation, and assigning Risk File Assistants. Risk File Managers also create and edit FMEA's to document failure modes, establish probability and severity, and control risk where appropriate.


January 28

11:15 AM