How do I change all instances of a scheduled supplier control to be unscheduled?

Schedules are defined on Supplier Control Types. Supplier Controls are defined by assigning Supplier Control Types to Suppliers, either as scheduled or unscheduled controls.

Example Supplier Control Type

Grand Avenue does not allow Supplier Control Type Schedules that are in use to be deleted. Instead, each Supplier Control must be updated to change the control to be unscheduled. After all suppliers are removed from a Supplier Control Type Schedule, the schedule can, optionally, be deleted from the Supplier Control Type.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Identify the list of suppliers that are assigned to the Supplier Control Type (see screenshot above).

    1. Click Manage Supplier Control Types.

    2. Click Define Supplier Control Types.

    3. Click Info on the Supplier Control Type you want to change (e.g., Supplier Audit).

    4. The View Supplier Control Type page shows the list of suppliers assigned to that control.

  2. Click Manage Suppliers.

  3. Click Define Suppliers.

  4. For each supplier assigned to that control:

    1. Click Edit on the Supplier.

    2. Scroll to the Supplier Controls section of the page.

    3. Click Edit Scheduling on the Supplier Control you wish to change (e.g., Supplier Audit).

    4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and set the Scheduled? field to "No."

    5. Click Save on the Supplier Control.

    6. Click Save on the Supplier.

  5. After all Suppliers have the Supplier Control assigned as unscheduled, the Supplier Control Type Schedule can optionally be deleted.

    1. Click Manage Supplier Control Types.

    2. Click Define Supplier Control Types.

    3. Click Edit on the Supplier Control Type (e.g., Supplier Audit).

    4. Click Delete on each of the assigned schedules

      1. If the error message, "Before deleting this schedule all suppliers must be moved to a different schedule" is displayed, you may have missed a supplier in step 4 above.

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