How do I select the correct data to show my training metrics?

How do I select the correct data to show my training metrics?

The Training Management module has no built-in reports for generating training metrics. Custom reports must be created using either Grand Avenue’s internal charting tool or Microsoft Excel. The sections below describe how to determine what data is needed to show your training metrics.

Requirements Gathering

Before creating a table or chart of training data, determine the requirements for the metric being measured. Below are some questions to help begin that process.

  • Who is the intended audience for the data?

  • What questions are you trying to answer with the data? In other words, what problem are you trying to solve?

  • How are these metrics defined or calculated?

  • Will you need to limit the data you see (for example, will you need to only look at results from a specific region or a specific time frame)? How so?

  • Are there any reports you use today that could be provided as examples of what would be useful? If so, please provide them.

  • If you had this data in front of you, would you have enough information to take action? What action would you take?

Data Selection

Grand Avenue Software training records contain a significant amount of information, but most metrics are based on the subset of information listed below.

At what level of the organization is the data being measured?

Individual User
All departments and users

Which Training Item Types should be included in the data?

Only Documents (e.g., Procedures, Work Instructions, Manufacturing Instructions, Inspection Criteria)
Only General Training Items (e.g., Chemical Safety, HIPAA, Bloodborne Pathogens)
Both Documents and General Training Items

Does the metric depend on the way training records were closed?

Training records can be closed in either of two ways: marked complete by a training coordinator, department manager, or trainer (i.e. User Assigned to Complete is “No”) or signed off by the trainee (i.e. User Assigned to Complete is “Yes”).

By default, Read and Understand Training is the only Training Type that allows trainees to sign off their own training completion, but your site may have configured additional Training Types that permit it. The Training Management module administrator can click Configure Training > Configure Training Types to determine which training types allow user signoff of training completion.

Only training that users were assigned to complete (e.g., Read and Understand Training)
Only training that was marked complete by a training coordinator, department manager, or trainer (e.g., external training, classroom training, on-the-job training)

What dates or durations are relevant to the metrics being measured?

Training Record Created Date (e.g., the date the training requirement was added, the date a new document revision was released)
Training Required-by Date (i.e., due date)
Training Completed Date (i.e., the date the training occurred)
Training Signoff Timestamp (i.e., the date the training record was closed)

Example: The number of days to complete training = Training Completed Date - Training Record Created Date

Tip: No matter which date field you choose as the basis of your metrics, be consistent. For example, if training records are counted based on the Training Record Created Date, use that date for all related charts. Using the Training Record Created Date for some charts and the Training Completed Date for others can skew your data.

Which training status values should be included? Is overdue training being measured?

Each training record in Grand Avenue has a Training Overdue? field that indicates whether training is currently incomplete and overdue or was overdue at the time it was completed. This field can be used to generate metrics to monitor the percentage of training completed on time over a given period.

Only training that is complete and was overdue when it was signed off (Training Status=Complete and Training Overdue?=Yes)
All overdue training, complete or incomplete (Training Overdue?=Yes)
All training records


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