I added a new Phase to a template Design Control Checklist. Why don't I see it in my Design Projects?

When a new Design Project is initiated based on a specified Design Control Checklist, it is initialized with the list of all phases and deliverables currently defined for that checklist.  Subsequent changes to the original checklist have no impact on the already-initiated Design Project.

A Design Control Module Administrator can add a new, empty phase to an open Design Project. The new phase is added as the last phase in the project. There is not a way to insert the phase into a different location within the project. After the phase is created, the project manager for the project can then populate the phase with any necessary ad hoc deliverables (see the Add/Edit Ad Hoc Design Project Deliverable in the online help).

The ability to add a new, empty phase at the end of an open Design Project was added in GAS Version 16.1.


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