How do I perform administrative updates for field values?
System administrators and module administrators can administratively update items in modules they are responsible for. Administrative updates are used in all of the following scenarios:
To perform mass initialization of new configurable fields
To perform mass updates of all configurable fields and select out-of-the-box fields
To correct errors on items that cannot be changed in process (e.g. approved items, closed items)
Step-by-step Instructions
The administrative update for field values process is the same for items in all modules, so the instructions below are written generally and can be applied to any of them. When <item-type> is referenced in these instructions, please substitute the type of item you are updating.
Click Manage <item-type>.
Example: Manage CAPA Requests
Click Administrative Update for <item-type> Field Values.
Example: Administrative Update for CAPA Request Field Values
Click Field to Update and select the field to be updated. All configurable fields may be administratively updated. If an out of the box field is not shown in this list, administrative updates are not supported for that field.
Example: Select the CAPA Request Priority field to update
Click Download Template to download the administrative update template (a CSV file).
Populate the downloaded CSV template with the items to be updated. The values in the Field Value column of the CSV file correspond to the Field to Update that was selected from the dropdown list on the administrative update page.
Example: Correct errors in the Priority field for three closed CAPA Requests
Save the CSV file. If any fields contain leading zeros, follow these formatting instructions to ensure that they are retained after the CSV file is saved.
Click Choose File and upload the completed CSV file.
Example: Upload “Administrative Update for Field Values.csv” and enter a justification for the change.
Click the “Update <item-type> Field Values” button
Check the results of the administrative update.
Example: Successful update of 3 CAPA Request Field Values.
Administrative updates work on one field at a time (i.e. the field selected from the dropdown list). To update multiple fields, use a separate CSV file for each field.
For more information about using CSV files, see How do I save a CSV file without losing leading or trailing zeros?.
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