Department Manager Authorizations and Roles
Below is a summary of all potential department manager responsibilities organized by Grand Avenue module. The applicability of each responsibility depends on a customer’s system configuration and organizational policies as noted in the Detailed Description column.
| Module | Authorization or Role | Detailed Description |
1 | Core/General | Manage Task Assignments | Department Managers are authorized to
2 | Audit Management | N/A | N/A |
3 | CAPA | N/A | N/A |
4 | Complaint Handling | Complaint Approver | Configure Complaint → Configure Complaint Review Boards Department manager is a default approver if a Complaint Review Board member is defined with the manager’s department as a Default Department and no alternate Default Assignee is designated. |
5 | Design Control | Design Project Reviewer | Configure Design Control → Configure Design Control Review Boards Department manager is a default reviewer if a Design Control Review Board member is defined with the manager’s department as a Default Department and no alternate Default Assignee is designated. |
6 | Document Control | Change Request Preliminary Department Manager Reviewer | Configure Document Control → Configure Document Control Process Options Role is applicable only if the document control process option Enable Preliminary Department Manager Review step? is set to “Yes” (default = “No”). |
7 | Document Control | Change and Deviation Request Department Approver | Department manager is a default department approver when
8 | Document Control | Change and Deviation Request Rollout Task Assignee | Configure Document Control → Configure Document Types Department manager is a default rollout task assignee when the manager’s department is defined as an Affected By department on the change/deviation request. Note: Definition of Affected By departments and the corresponding assignment of Roll Out Documents tasks is subject to organizational policy regarding whether primary responsibility for managing employee training is centralized with training coordinators or distributed to individual department managers. If training is centralized with coordinators, department managers are not assigned rollout tasks. |
9 | Equipment Management | N/A | N/A |
10 | NCM | NCM Report Disposition Approver | Configure NCM → Configure NCM Review Boards Department manager is a default approver if an NCM Review Board member is defined with the manager’s department and no alternate Optional Default Approver is designated. |
11 | Supplier Management | Supplier Evaluation Approver | Configure Supplier Management → Configure Supplier Review Boards Department manager is a default approver if a Supplier Review Board member is defined with the manager’s department as a Default Department and no alternate Default Assignee is designated. |
12 | Training Management | Manage Training | Department managers are always authorized to track training status for employees in their department. Additionally, department managers are authorized to manage training for users assigned to their departments:
Note: Department managers may or may not use their authority to manage their employees' training depending on whether the organization uses a centralized or distributed training strategy. If primary responsibility for managing employee training is centralized with training coordinators , department managers do not perform the bulleted functions. |
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