What does "Create Derivative Document from Existing" do?

The “Create Derivative Document” option is just like “Create New Document”, except that it additionally creates a historical relationship to indicate that the new document was copied from an existing document.

For example, when starting a new project that’s very similar to an existing project, the requirements document for the new project can be created as a “derivative” of the existing requirements document.


  1. When adding documents to a change request, click Create Derivative Document from Existing.


  2. Search for and select the existing document.

  3. The document being created has a “Derived From Document” link to the existing document.


The derivative relationship between documents is entirely optional and for informational purposes only; the only functionality behind it is the link to the other document. Actions taken on the original document (e.g. Revise, Obsolete) have no impact on the derivative document.


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